Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Story Time

Hey guys, I'm working on these two stories. Let me know which one you like better.

Story #1: There is a boy who really likes football so he watches it all the time and talks about with his friends. Sometimes he plays Madden on his 360.

Story #2: A young child dreamt of playing football every single moment of his life, but his coach wouldn't put him on the team because he was too scrawny. So he went to the gym and trained every single day, and he practiced passing with his dad after he did his homework, and he ran sprints in the parking lot across the street from his house. Then the next year at try-outs, he absolutely blew the rest of the kids out of the water and got a starting position on the A-Team.

Did anybody like Story #1 better? Think about it for a second. Go ahead, I'll wait. I'm not going anywhere.

Nobody? Didn't think so. The problem with Story #1 is that there are no challenges, no desires, and no passions. The main character doesn't even really do anything. He just fantasizes about what might be.

Now ask yourself, "Self, does my life look more like Story #1 or Story #2?" I know that most of the time, mine looks more like the first one. Boring.

Let me tell you something, God is a master storyteller and he has the most excellent, epic adventure waiting for you if you'll just let him write it. That doesn't mean there won't be challenges. What story would Peter Pan have if it weren't for Captain Hook getting in his way? Would Toy Story 3 have been very exciting without Lotso the Bear?

Don't let the life you live be meaningless. Live an amazing story. Chase destiny.

Whenever you're doing something, ask yourself, "Am I writing this story, or is God?" The more you let God do it, the more awesome it will be.

The moral of this story is: never trust a bear that smells of strawberries.


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