Thursday, March 22, 2012

But ya gotta have frieeeends

Everyone likes friends, right? Here are a few examples of legendary friends.

Friends are the people that God uses to make us who we are. They bring out the greatness in us when they care about us. And if we're good friends, we'll do the same for them.

God uses your friends to interfere with whatever it is that is stopping you from living the epic life he wrote for you. If you surround yourself with people who care about you, and you do the same for them, you'd be surprised how stinking cool your life will be.

We can understand God's love through our friends, and they can see it through us. Our actions and words are manifestations of the love he's shown us that people can see and feel.

But be careful, because bad company can corrupt good morals (1 Corinthians 15:33). Ask yourself, "Self, who are the people who are close to me? How do they treat me? How do I treat them?"

You teach people how to interact with you. Teach them love.


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