Sunday, May 15, 2011

Summer is ALMOST HERE...

Summer is just around the corner and we are quickly finishing up all the important things before summer starts. John is trying to knock out his last game of Atari so that we won't be focused on trivial things this summer.

Our theme this summer is Panorama. We can't wait to show you just how wonderful it is to see the FULL PICTURE of God. Get excited!


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Panorama Challenge!

I have always LOVED getting mail and still to this day I get strangely excited to see what's in that mailbox. Usually it's nothing too exciting - just bills to pay and the occasional magazine. HOWEVER! We hope you have checked your mailboxes and found Sky 1 & 2's newsletter...aka "The Pow-Wow Post"! I know you are all curious for answers to the Panorama Challenge so we don't want to hold those back!

Did you guess any of the pictures correctly? Let us know how you did!

We hope this got you even more EX'SKY'TED about summer 2011. Did you know it's only 24 days until session 1 begins? HOORAY!!!!!