Thursday, April 19, 2012

Schmergen Dergen Blurgen Blu

"Finkle dinkle doo, romper bomper stomper boo."
-Abraham Lincoln.

The above quotation is the opening sentence of the Gettysburg Address translated into gibberish.

Do you speak gibberish? Of course you do! Everyone does. If you don't know how, all you have to do is make up words and say them. It's the best language ever. Try it, it's fun! I once spoke gibberish for three straight hours.

Gibberish is wonderful, but it often suffers as a means of communication due to the fact that nobody can understand what anyone is saying. Everyone has their own distinctive dialect, and very few words translate directly. Though it is fun, gibberish is one of the most useless forms of speaking.

Speaking in gibberish is kind of like living a life without love. In 1 Corinthians 13:1 it says that being able to speak in every language (that includes languages of men and angels, even gibberish) is like being a loud, annoying cymbal without love. It makes everything you say and do useless and futile, because you've missed the point of life.

God put us on earth for two reasons. Simply to love him and love people. Everything else is meaningless, but sometimes other things seem like they matter more. Check in on yourself from time to time and make sure you're not forgetting how much love matters.

I would like to close with a message from one of our most well respected professors in Gibberish Linguistics, The Swedish Chef.


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