Monday, December 6, 2010

Matthew 4

Have you ever been tempted to want to peek or open presents before Christmas? For me, it's always been very tempting to take a look at my gifts. Jesus was tempted too. Let's see if He did the right thing...!

God led Jesus into the desert where He stayed there for 40 days and nights, praying and listening to God. After 40 days and nights, Jesus was tempted to do wrong. The devil tried to get Jesus to sin three different times, but He resisted by standing firm on God's Word. Jesus was tempted, but He did NOT do wrong! Jesus stayed pure. Think about some ways that you are tempted and what we can do to stay pure.

There are a few things that come to mind when learn how to do right and avoid sin.
1. Learning Scripture is so important and can help us avoid temptations like Jesus did.
2. Jesus spent time in the desert praying to God. We should do the same! Jesus is the best example for us to follow!


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